Using field

Using field and market studies to specifically advance the science of ergonomics

Together with our customers and partners, we repeatedly carry out successful studies on the topic of ergonomics.
With our decades of experience, we support our clients in choosing the methodology and formulating the right question that leads to the desired knowledge after the investigation has been completed.

Companies often commission studies from IGR that can be used as evidence of the ergonomic effectiveness of their products or solutions.

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Relational and behavioral ergonomics - focusing on people

The needs of employees are increasingly coming to the fore from the perspective of health promotion and prevention. This is due to the well-known factors of demographic development and the shortage of skilled workers, as well as the trend towards work intensification and the resulting increase in mental illnesses such as burnout, depression and musculoskeletal disorders caused by lack of exercise and one-sided strain. The framework conditions are also increasingly changing due to new forms of work, such as the introduction of open office landscapes, desk sharing and the relocation of some work to the home office. On the production side, the increasing number of physically impaired employees, the rising average age of the workforce and the as yet unforeseeable consequences of digitalization – the buzzword is Industry 4.0 – are also coming to the fore.

When certifying ergonomic products, the Institute for Health and Ergonomics has already set out to investigate how products or services prove themselves in terms of their ergonomic effectiveness in everyday practice. Above all, whether they live up to the claim of providing benefits for most working people. This means that the most diverse individual characteristics in terms of height, weight, gender, age and health restrictions should be taken into account in order to meet the individual needs of the largest possible number of people when it comes to optimized ergonomic working conditions.

This includes work equipment in the sense of “relationship ergonomics” as well as measures that have a (sustainable) effect on people in the direction of healthier behavior, in the sense of so-called “behavioral ergonomics”.

These can be conditions, such as a more ergonomic design of work equipment, which induce healthier behavior, or simply the didactic influence on healthier behavior. For example, in the form of special training measures, targeted visualization (and thus simplification) of instructions, improved user guidance – keyword software ergonomics – or the optimization of operating instructions, etc.

What our customers say

Frank Selbeck

Marketing Manager Germany Gerflor Mipolam GmbHAs one of the world's leading manufacturers of floor coverings, the The ergonomic benefits of our resilient floor coverings are of particular interest. We conducted a study with the IGR to relieve the musculoskeletal system. To this end, the properties were compared with conventional hard floor coverings with regard to the load when walking and standing. The result was very positive and informative. In the further development of our product solutions, we have already been able to successfully realize the results in terms of continuous product improvement. We would like to thank the IGR team for their excellent cooperation.

Holger Schmalz

Head of Sales D/A/CHFollowing certification as an ergonomic product, we also wanted to prove the ergonomic effectiveness of a selection of our products in a study. Together, we defined the research objective and determined the possible methods for the study. We then successfully carried out the study together with the IGR. We were able to gain valuable new insights, especially by involving our customers as study partners.

Danilo Pastore Galderio

CEO of Pharmaflex srlWe are delighted that the IGR Institute has given our products from the Pharmaflex Performance range a positive rating. In addition to the certification of our products by the institute, the confirmation of the positive ergonomic properties through the study was very important to us. In addition to the objective measurement results, it was the testers' broad approval of our concept that confirmed our philosophy of always finding the best solution for healthy sleep.

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Frank Selbeck

Marketing Manager Germany Gerflor Mipolam GmbHAs one of the world's leading manufacturers of floor coverings, the The ergonomic benefits of our resilient floor coverings are of particular interest. We conducted a study with the IGR to relieve the musculoskeletal system. To this end, the properties were compared with conventional hard floor coverings with regard to the load when walking and standing. The result was very positive and informative. In the further development of our product solutions, we have already been able to successfully realize the results in terms of continuous product improvement. We would like to thank the IGR team for their excellent cooperation.

Holger Schmalz

Head of Sales D/A/CHFollowing certification as an ergonomic product, we also wanted to prove the ergonomic effectiveness of a selection of our products in a study. Together, we defined the research objective and determined the possible methods for the study. We then successfully carried out the study together with the IGR. We were able to gain valuable new insights, especially by involving our customers as study partners.

Danilo Pastore Galderio

CEO of Pharmaflex srlWe are delighted that the IGR Institute has given our products from the Pharmaflex Performance range a positive rating. In addition to the certification of our products by the institute, the confirmation of the positive ergonomic properties through the study was very important to us. In addition to the objective measurement results, it was the testers' broad approval of our concept that confirmed our philosophy of always finding the best solution for healthy sleep.

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The IGR in figures

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The IGR studies provide answers

This is immediately followed by the consideration of the above-mentioned effectiveness in terms of a period of time. What effect do measures have over longer periods of time? Can they bring about significant changes or improvements in behavior?

How are the measures evaluated by employees, line managers and also by company health management, HR or occupational safety personnel?

Can impairments be minimized? Concrete indicators such as the sickness rate provide information about this, as well as whether job satisfaction and motivation have been increased.

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What our customers say

Stefano Cughura

CEO Media DesignLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Sed aliquam non elit sem felis sit neque varius odio. Eu ut massa dignissim quam porttitor.

Stefano Cughura

CEO Media DesignLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Sed aliquam non elit sem felis sit neque varius odio. Eu ut massa dignissim quam porttitor.

Stefano Cughura

CEO Media DesignLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Sed aliquam non elit sem felis sit neque varius odio. Eu ut massa dignissim quam porttitor.

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Business results

Last but not least, the economic effects of ergonomics will also be examined. Here is an example from the production sector.

Employers are obliged to take suitable measures or use suitable work equipment in order to avoid stresses that pose a risk to the health of employees. Technical design solutions are available to prevent incorrect strain on the musculoskeletal system, particularly in the area of manual and industrial series production with regularly recurring work processes.

This applies all the more to employees who are only able to work to a limited extent due to a previous illness, accident, etc. External help must be provided. [Source: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Dortmund]

Theoretically, it is possible to reintegrate physically impaired employees into normal shift work by taking specific measures on both the relationship and behavioral side. IGR field studies are investigating whether and how such support measures can be implemented in practice.

Example field study sleep systems:

Pharmaflex, a renowned brand of ergonomic sleep systems from Italy, wanted to find out what the ergonomic benefits of its products are. The results of the study on the mattresses and pillows in the Pharmaflex Performance range were obtained using objective measurement methods and subjective assessments by real users. This showed that both the data obtained using the VRS video raster stereography method and the testers’ assessments, which were carried out under standardized conditions at the institute, confirm a significant relaxation effect of the Pharmaflex products. The innovative slat arrangement of the Pharmaflex system relieves pressure on the spine of the person lying on it, resulting in better spinal decompression compared to conventional sleep systems. 

Example field study administration:

“Effectiveness of motivational software for electrically height-adjustable desks in the sense of the interaction between relationship and behavioral ergonomics.”

The design of the workplace has a direct influence on the behavior of the office worker. An obvious example: the use of electrically height-adjustable desks enables so-called sitting/standing dynamics. However, practice shows that after a short time, gravity gains the upper hand and work is increasingly done sitting down again. You can read how this phenomenon was countered and what measures were introduced to achieve healthy behavior in the latest press release from LINAK GmbH.

Do you have any questions? We would be happy to advise you on the subject of studies.