Advice for healthier working

Nuremberg in January 2022

Whether at assembly workstations, in the dispatch area or in trade. Everywhere the question arises as to how stress can be minimized and the setting of work equipment optimized.
In addition, the behavior of employees should be sustainably influenced towards healthier working practices.

Quick implementation through visualization

The IGR Institute uses a special set of analysis tools to identify and visualize stresses. After a detailed analysis of the current situation, measures can be derived with regard to the ergonomics of relationships and behavior. Specifically, tips are given on how to use machines and tools more ergonomically. Part of the holistic approach is advice on healthier work organization.

The IGR consultants’ many years of expertise are complemented by the video-supported presentation and analysis of movement sequences. This can then also be integrated very well into employee training measures.


Ex. Comparison and visualization of the different use of work equipment

Supplement to the risk assessment

A number of risk factors, such as those arising from the work equipment used or its arrangement at the workplace, are made visible. At the same time, there is an opportunity to initiate measures to change behavior.

Arrange an individual consultation with us: