Reclining ergonomics consultant – New appointment

Nuremberg in May 2021

Due to the pandemic, we had postponed the date for our reclining ergonomics consultant until early summer. But due to the current situation, we are canceling the date 10. – June 11 as well. We ask for your understanding.

We have the 21. and October 22 and we are sure that vaccination rates and incidences will then also allow smooth on-site operations!

Then the IGR Institut für Gesundheit und Ergonomie e.V. welcomes you again for the 2-day training seminar at the Tullnau Conference Park in Nuremberg.

Seminar description

Suppliers as well as customer advisors of all ergonomic products and services are invited to be introduced to the world of correct, healthy lying and sleeping by our speaker Walter Braun.

“As you make your bed, so you lie (sleep)”

That’s what the old saying goes. But how do we make the right bed to ensure a restful and healthy sleep? How can you avoid getting out of bed completely exhausted in the morning – be it with headaches, back pain or other tension? What should be taken into account? Questions that concern us all, from the layman to the expert. Because there is no such thing as ONE ideal bed or resting place for everyone. After all, sleeping and lying habits and the corresponding needs are as individual as each person.

This therefore requires sound ergonomic expertise. Knowledge that benefits not only users, but also suppliers of ergonomic products and services and their consultants. After all, they are at the forefront, informing customers in terms of function, benefits and prevention – in line with requirements and for the long term. So the motto is:

“The customer is king”

As a result, we at the IGR have created a training format tailored to this, namely the “Reclining Ergonomics Consultant” seminar. Here, participants not only acquire the necessary know-how in terms of general anatomy, individual body types and ergonomics. Rather, they learn how to use it profitably in practice. The consultants therefore delve deep into the spheres of their potential customers: What are their needs? What wishes and hopes do they have? Are there any specific requirements based on your previous experience?

Sleep advice becomes an experience

For the consultants, this means making the topic of “healthy, restful sleep” palatable to users with a great deal of sensitivity. Or rather: beneficial sleep must be felt and experienced in the truest sense of the word. EXACTLY THAT encourages you to buy the right equipment.

By the way: After a successful final examination, a corresponding certificate is awarded. A sign of sustainable quality that creates additional trust!

Sounds like dull, dry theory at first?

On the contrary, we write “ergotainment” in capital letters! In addition to well-founded specialist knowledge, our training inspires above all with practical, vivid and realistic workshop elements. Because only a successful mixture of lively communication and gripping interaction can ensure that the knowledge taught is remembered in the long term. So learning can be fun. We will be happy to convince you!

Last but not least: anyone who can’t get enough of this training format has the opportunity to intensify their basic knowledge in further advanced courses.